
Welcome to "Chénoutous" in the Gascogne town of Condom (Condatomagus in Latin – nothing to do with….) in the Ténarèze part of the Gers department (also known as the French Tuscany) in the Midi-Pyrenées region.

Condom is the second largest Gersois town (8,000 people) and is a 40 minute drive South from Agen (main line train service to/from Paris in 4.5 hours) and less than 2 hours from Toulouse (international airport). It is situated on the river Baïse which is navigable.  It is at the heart of Armagnac and Floc production and on the pilgrims' trail to Santiago de Compostella. 

Chénoutous - main house on left and pavillon on right

Chénoutous is located about 2 km from town (a pleasant 30 minute walk) in the small hamlet of Bournalès.  Renée (Bernard's mother) and her 3 cats live in the 250+ year-old main house which is surrounded by a wild garden, a miniature cane forest (children's "jungle"), a well, an oak tree shading the térasse, some fruit and ornamental trees and Renée's vegetable and herb gardens.